Saturday, August 1, 2009

The White Manifesto

I think the African Americans owe the Whites a debt of gratitude, which can never be repaid, but they can start by saying thank you and being a lot more grateful. Barack Hussein Obama should issue a formal thank you along with a formal apology for all the crimes against Whites at the hands of blacks. Further we demand reparations for their crimes from the state to be placed in endowments scholarships and grants for poor White European Americans who have been victims of the crimes of Blacks. You say we are all Americans and there is no difference but there is a Black America and it gets everything while poor White Europeans get nothing but mistreatment and blame. There is a poor White European America that is not privileged but is at least as poor if not worse off because there is no program to offset the terrible conditions and hopelessness of this poverty, which has in large part been created by greedy corporations seeking ever cheaper labor.
The elite 2% lord it over us all the time and make us White European Americans live in poverty they make us unemployed and on welfare they make us live in ghettos with third world immigrants whom they want in their factories and mills. They no longer want us there, no we are being told stay home.
We are told shut up your opinion does not matter. We are to be made fools of, and we are supposed to feel guilty for something we never did or participated in. The elite sure did though and they are to blame for all that and more.
It was a requirement in college that we study History and I took Black History and I learned the truth of it. We learned who were the real exploiters of Blacks and who bought and sold and transported them. The Atlantic Trading Company and their owners were mostly Dutch Jews and the wealthy customers for slaves were English Jews who owned large estates in both North and South, and they were only about 2% of the entire population. The more common White European never owned even a single slave. Many indeed were indentured servants and in bondage to slave owners themselves working off their passage to cruel elite English-Jewish masters.
First off I always knew none of my poor ancestors had anything to do with any of it, and indeed did everything to help the African Americans.
We learned who they are and their names, and by this it confirmed what my grandmother told me of our poor sharecropper ancestors that emigrated from Germany to the Southern Louisiana. They would never have owned slaves, nor did my ancestors in the North.
So you see the claim that all White Europeans should bear the burden for the acts of so few is a total lie. Another misconception that the African American should apologize for is falsely accusing all White European people of slavery.
Lets look now at other race-issues of importance, crimes of hatred against White Europeans perpetrated by Blacks. Blacks committed 90% of the 1,700,000 violent crimes according to research from the New Century Foundation’s Color of Crime study. Blacks are likely to commit a violent crime against a White person 5,700 percent more than the reverse! So when we fear, loath and mistrust the Black man it is with good reason.
There is an epidemic of Black rape and murder of White European women in America and this is our greatest shame and Blacks are to blame. Over 37,460 White women were brutally raped in 2005 according to Justice Dept. report. The actual number of rapes is at least twice as high because most women do not report it; most police do not even listen or even take reports of it anymore.
The Black predator stalker is 22 times or 2,200 percent more likely to murder a White European American woman than the reverse is true.
The Black gang rapes of both White European American men and women are 200 times greater and 20,000 percent higher than any White gang crime these crime figures are inadequate to show the real numbers of attacks by Black gangs against Whites. The media does not report these heinous hate crimes and is therefore equally to blame. These crimes are human rights violations and we demand an official apology and a cease to all violence against Whites of European decent. Further all assaults by Blacks on Whites must be charged as hate crimes.
I have heard so many personal tragedies and read of countless more that it stagers my mind and to conceive this only the tip of the iceberg and the real numbers of victims of these atrocities are much higher than one person can ever imagine, well it makes me sick and fills me with hate and anger towards Blacks.
I have not even begun to share my own personal stories of their vicious brutal attacks on me and there were many.
One day long ago in Chicago while on my way to school as boy, I was attacked by about 20 Blacks in a gang and beaten up very badly because I was White. It was during that week they showed “Roots” on TV so the media is to blame as well but the Black gang did the crime. I was beaten many more times by them individually too, and too numerous to count but I began to defend myself and fought back against their violence and lucky for me or I might not be alive today.
I have so many White European women personally that have been victims of sexual assaults by Black men and gangs of Black men that it outrages me. My wife was a victim of a gang rape attack too, and if I knew who they were I would kill them. I would call that Justice!
It is a national scandal that these crimes against humanity continue and go unreported and even denied.
White European Americans will no longer tolerate it and demand an official apology from you Mr. President. If you want to make a real difference then speak up we are awaiting the truth. We want to hear an apology for Blacks crimes against Whites for the past half a century that has been much greater than all of History any crimes committed against Blacks. We demand the government recognize these crimes as the “Hate Crimes” they are and prosecute accordingly. We demand an end to the cover-ups and conspiracies to hide such crimes and, where they exist they be brought to light and prosecuted in the international court at The Hague for crimes against humanity. That is right this government is guilty of Human Rights violations against White European Americans by the continued support of Black violence against Whites and the cover-up. We demand a cessation of all violence against Whites and demand equal protection under the law.
We demand reparations for all the Black on White Hate Crimes of the past 50 years.
I think it should be paid directly to all violent crime and assault victims and or their descendants. At least $1 million in damages to be awarded every White woman who was ever raped by a Black man and if they were gang raped then per assault. To the families who lost a loved one from the violent murders of Black gang we demand no less than 10 million per victim with interest from the time of the crime. All Whites of European descent who have been accosted assaulted, robbed, beaten, or otherwise abused should receive a government award of no less than $1 million as well.
Whites who were victims of theft, property crimes, swindling, confidence scams, gambling, prostitution, and drug addiction will be awarded settlements estimated to the amounts of property they lost with interest from the period of time the crime was committed.
To be paid by the Federal government and taken out the Blacks income tax directly.
Estimated cost 500 million. For the crimes the Black people have committed against White European Americans it is really a drop in the bucket. We have lost probably a hundred times that. What is a woman’s virtue worth? Who can put a price on a life? What has our country lost in productive White European citizens brutally senselessly murdered by Blacks and Black gangs while the government does nothing.
We demand an end to it and a repayment for their crimes and the official government apology and acknowledgement of the seriousness of the racial Hate Crimes committed by Blacks against Whites.
These criminal acts if continued to be ignored will further enrage the White European community and lead to further racial tension and possible violence and retribution and that is not a threat it is merely an observation of fact.
As word spreads of the violence against Whites here and in other countries, the Human Rights violations committed against us by our own governments the complaints and demands for justice will come pouring in to all governments in the western world and the international court will be forced to hear us and take actions against your regimes of tyranny.
Whites will no longer be complacent and compliant we do know who is the victim and who the real criminals are who is their enabler. We demand that government take action and put an end to all this Black gang racial violence. If the current government regime does not act in good faith to remedy this situation, so then there will be consequences of the like never seen before. A possible total White Rebellion is what I predict of the kind we can only imagine and the racial violence on an unimaginable scale. Some have already predicted outcomes like this scenario calling them “Civil War II” and others have referred to it as the “Day of the Rope” but whatever you call it there will be a day of reckoning, and your chickens will come home to roost. You will discover Mr. President, and all Blacks will on that day be in a very different position from the one you are in now; There will be no protection for any of you, and you will see a very different White European man and woman, and it is you and all the Blacks that will tremble with fear at our sight. The resulting “Civil War II” or White European Rebellion that I predict will be followed by weeks of bloodshed and violence. There will in all likelihood be Blacks massacred by the millions at the hands of angry White European gangs, militias and mobs. What you have put out in violence will come back to your Black brothers in spades unless it is redressed and reparations are made to the entire White European American community.
We are expecting the usual common denials and further violence from Black gangs and our government condoning it sanctioning and abetting it, which makes it a part of the crimes against our people.
As the current trends continue to extend into the future that can foretell what may come and who can forestall the inevitable violent wrath of a people so abused and by their own government and the Black gangs of savage criminals that roam our streets of every American city unchecked by a careless government. This government is an accomplice to it and even promotes violence against Whites. Can you deny it? Prove it. I am the living proof for my argument as are all the countless victims of Black gang violence.
You want to have an open discussion about race in this country only so long as it is the usual diatribe and lecture to White European Americans that we are supposed to learn how to better treat Blacks.
Well we have treated Blacks better in this country than they deserve.
An open discussion about race must first begin with the apology for our victims. A racial dialog and healing in this country can begin only after the apology and reparations for damages are made.
Our White victims demand recompense and their families and all the White victims of the crimes at the hands of Blacks deserve to be treated with respect and be paid by the government. A tax will then be placed upon every Black to go into the repayment fund for the White victims. Many Blacks involved in the gang violence may have to provide free labor for years to repay for all their crimes they have done, and this is better than they deserve. They all really deserve to be put to death but then there would be none left to repay for the crimes committed.
All Black gangs are to be rounded up executed or put in prison and labor camps for life. We will demand that as well and if none of our demands are met it is only a matter of time before an all out “White Rebellion” as I have described will occur and the Blacks and their government that protects them will be utterly destroyed.
These are not threats but forecasts for possible outcomes in the near future of our country so long as White Europeans are the victims of Black gang violence and nothing is done.
There will be a White European American response and it will not be pretty. I think we can already see what is happening. There is a beginning to it as we organize and make our demands.
We are attempting to make a diplomatic solution possible and we are trying to have open discussions on the race issues, but we are being ignored as usual. This will not be tolerated.
There are causes and there are effects and then there is the consequences of the Blacks violence and ignorance.
One day the White man is not going to take it anymore, and will put an end to it and the government that has ignored our demands for justice for so long and has aided criminals.

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